New Elementary Attendance Boundaries for 2024-25
In March of 2023, the Belton ISD Board of Trustees adopted new elementary attendance boundaries for the 2024-25 school year. The new boundaries will go into effect next school year. A map of 2024-25 elementary attendance boundaries is available on the district’s website. Check to see what school your students will be going to by typing your address in our special Infofinder 24-25 link.
Families of elementary students impacted by a boundary change will be notified directly via email and postal letters.
For additional information:
March 27, 2023 — Belton ISD Trustees Adopt New Elementary Attendance Boundaries
March 27, 2023 - Presentation to the Board of Trustees Regarding the Attendance Boundary Process
Adopted Elementary Attendance Boundaries
2024-25 Elementary Attendance Boundaries
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did Belton ISD redraw attendance boundaries in the spring of 2023?
Belton ISD is a fast-growth district. More and more families are choosing to enroll their students in our school district. With the opening of James Burrell Elementary earlier this year, and the planned opening of Hubbard Branch Elementary and the classroom addition at Southwest Elementary, Belton ISD is adding 1,400 elementary classroom seats. The new attendance boundaries and the additional seats will help BISD manage our growth, maximize the use of our facilities, and reduce the use of long-term portables at elementary campuses.
Belton ISD conducted a seven-month process to engage community stakeholders and adjust attendance boundaries. This process began in August of 2022, and the Board of Trustees adopted the new elementary attendance boundaries in March of 2023.
When do the new elementary attendance boundaries go into effect?
The new elementary attendance boundaries will take effect at the start of the 2024-25 school year, with the exception of James L. Burrell Elementary. Burrell Elementary students began classes at Tarver Elementary in August 2023 and moved into the new building in January 2024. The first day of school is August 14, 2024.
How can I verify my home’s attendance boundary?
Please refer to this map. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your child’s current campus and ask them to verify your child’s attendance boundary for 2024-25. Check to see what school your students will be going to by typing your address in our special Infofinder 24-25 link.
Have middle school and high school attendance boundaries changed?
Middle and high school attendance boundaries did not change.
Do I need to register my child at their newly zoned campus?
No, if your student is already enrolled in BISD, their current campus will transfer all records to their newly zoned campus.
When will my child and I be able to tour our new school and meet staff?
Campuses will invite new families to engagement events planned for the spring. Opportunities will be provided to tour the school, meet staff, and hear more about the student learning experience.
Where can I find information about my new school?
Principals will share updates with families who will be new to their communities in their newsletters starting in February. Information is also available on the school's website and shared on social media.
Will any students be eligible to remain at their current campus if they do not wish to attend their newly-zoned school?
Students are expected to attend the elementary school to which they are zoned. There are limited circumstances when some Belton ISD students may be eligible for an intradistrict transfer and remain at their current campus; however, transportation will not be provided.
Additional information about these limited transfers is included at the bottom of this FAQ.
Who do I contact about transportation services for the new attendance zones?
For transportation information about attendance zones, contact Vickie Tubbs, transportation director, at 254-215-2150 or Elisha Lorenz, assistant director, at 254-215-2172.
Who do I contact for information about special programs at my new school?
Special Education contact: sheri.ogden@bisd.net
Bilingual/ESL contact: veronica.champion@bisd.net, yolanda.sarinana@bisd.net
If my child is in the gifted & talented program, will they receive those services at my new school?
Yes, every school in Belton ISD provides services for students identified in the gifted & talented (GT) program. At the elementary level, schools will follow the BISD GT curriculum for pull-out services with a professionally trained GT instructor. The BISD GT website also has information on services for GT students.
How can I determine what before and after-school programs my new school offers? (i.e., YMCA, the Zone, etc.)
Armed Services YMCA provides before and after-school programs at BISD campuses in the City of Belton based on program enrollment. Contact Andrea Maddox, Senior Childcare Director at (254) 690-9622 x208.
City of Temple Parks & Recreation provides after-school programs at BISD campuses in the City of Temple. Contact Ryan Dach, Program Coordinator at (254) 298-5737.
Under what conditions may a student remain at their currently zoned school?
All intradistrict transfers in Belton ISD are governed by Board Policy FDB (Local).
Incoming fourth and fifth graders and their siblings who will be enrolled at the campus during the 2024-25 school year may remain at their original campus with an approved transfer request.
Students with extraordinary family considerations may also be eligible for a transfer under certain circumstances.
Any student who is interested in an Intradistrict Transfer must apply for a transfer during Belton ISD’s Transfer Window, February 12 - March 15, 2024.
What happens to siblings once fifth graders move on to middle school? Do they return to their home campus?
The siblings may remain at the transfer campus for the remainder of their elementary career, provided they meet all transfer requirements per FDB(LOCAL) and must re-apply annually.
How do I apply for an intradistrict transfer?
Families must submit a transfer request to qualify for an exception. For more information, visit Board Policy FDB(LOCAL). The 2024-25 transfer window for BISD students is February 12 - March 15, 2024.
If a campus is declared “Closed”, does that mean it will not be an option to request, even for those students who meet the special criteria to transfer there (i.e. returning 5th graders)?
Students who meet the established criteria to be transferred will still be allowed to transfer to that campus; however, any new transfer requests will not be allowed to apply for a closed campus.
Are transfer students eligible for transportation services?
No. Parents will need to provide transportation for their student(s).
What are examples of “extraordinary family considerations” that could qualify students for a transfer exception and allow them to remain at their current school?
In the context of student transfers, “extraordinary family considerations” typically refer to unforeseen or significant challenges beyond a student's control that warrant a deviation from standard transfer policies. Specifically, these are situations where a student's family circumstances significantly differ from the norm and warrant special attention when deciding whether to approve the transfer request.
How common are “extraordinary family considerations” transfers in BISD?
As of January 3, 2024, there were 28 total transfer students with extenuating circumstances. This accounts for 0.002% of all students currently enrolled in BISD.
Are students expected to attend the middle school they are zoned to, even if they received an exception during elementary school?
How will transfer decisions be communicated to families?
All families who apply for a transfer will receive an electronic letter with an approval or denial decision from Student Services.