Prevention & Mitigation
To address safety for students and staff on campuses and within Belton ISD facilities, extensive prevention and mitigation strategies have been identified during the district’s planning process.
- Increased training for custodial staff led by health services.
- Training provided for all staff on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation techniques including procedures to ensure more frequent hand washing and increased disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces.
- Starting on the first day of school, teachers will provide students with hygiene instruction (how to wash hands, when to use sanitizer, how to cover your cough, how to maintain 6 foot distancing, importance of face covering/how to wear it, etc.). This will continue weekly throughout the year.
- Hand washing posters will be hung in restrooms to help educate and remind students and staff to wash their hands.
- “Stop the Spread” signage will be posted in classrooms.
- Health education and resource links will be posted on the district website.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available at reception areas, cafeteria entrances and in classrooms and buses. Its use will be encouraged when handwashing is not available or after touching frequently shared surfaces/objects or when entering or leaving a building or classroom.
- To minimize touching, adding water fountains with fill stations to all campuses being considered and students will be asked to bring water bottles from home.
- Visuals to guide and promote distancing will be incorporated throughout the building (i.e. floor markers to designate 6 feet).
- Campuses will explore establishing hallways traffic patterns that separate individuals to the greatest extent possible (i.e. one-way hallways)
- Sharing of supplies will be limited. When possible, supplies will be sanitized between use.
- Student belongings will be separated and labeled.
- Non-essential furniture will be eliminated to support distancing.
- Campuses will devise lunch schedules and formats, including outside areas, that support students to eat safely apart from each other.
- Bathrooms will be inspected more frequently to ensure they are cleaned and stocked with soap and paper towels.
- All high touch areas will be disinfected throughout the day.
- Classrooms and common areas sanitized at the end of each day.
- Lights will only be turned on and off by the teacher.
- Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized at least twice a day.
- Playgrounds will be sanitized at least once a day.
- The cafeteria will be disinfected between lunch periods.
- PDI supplies, kleenex and paper towels will be available in classrooms and teachers will be trained on how to use them.
- Increased sanitation efforts will be deployed on buses.
Health Services
- Ensure campus clinics have separate areas to care for well students and isolate sick students.
- Provide portable privacy screens that can be cleaned.
- Increase supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to health services staff and athletic trainers.
- Provide portable medication carts so that medications can be given outside of the clinic.
- Establish new communication protocols for rapid response.
- Updated guidelines for school readmittance to support close contact identification and contact tracing.
- Will consider conducting temperature checks on pre-K-2nd grade students and other students in vulnerable populations.
Student & Staff Expectations
- Belton ISD is following TEA public health guidance for schools.
- Families will NOT send students to school if they have a lab-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis or any of the following COVID-19 symptoms: feeling feverish or fever 100.0 or greater, loss of taste or smell, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, shaking or exaggerated shivering, significant muscle pain or ache, diarrhea. Families must immediately notify the school if a child has COVID-19 symptoms (described above) or if the student has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Families must also immediately notify the school if a child has had close contact with a symptomatic individual or an individual who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19, and the student should not report to campus. After review by the school nurse, the student may be required to remain off-campus for up to a 14-day incubation period. Parents/caregivers are strongly encouraged to opt to have their students receive remote instruction for the 14-day incubation period.
- TEA Guidelines: Students in grades PK-12 will wear face coverings on buses, hallways, common areas, and when 6 foot distancing is not feasible, including in classrooms, to the extent it is developmentally appropriate. This applies to both school (indoor and outdoor) and bus settings. Students are encouraged to bring their own face covering, however, all campuses and classrooms will have a supply.
- Staff will self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before coming onto a Belton ISD campus/facility each day. The self-screening should include teachers and staff taking their own temperature. Staff must immediately report to their supervisor if they have COVID-19 symptoms (described below) or if the employee has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Staff will NOT report to a Belton ISD facility or campus if they have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms (in a way that is not normal for the staff member): feeling feverish or fever 100.0 or greater, loss of taste or smell, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, shaking or exaggerated shivering, significant muscle pain or ache, diarrhea.
- TEA Guidelines: All staff will wear face coverings on buses, hallways, common areas, and when 6 foot distancing is not feasible, including in classrooms. This applies to both school (indoor and outdoor) and bus settings. Staff will have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that includes hand sanitizer, face coverings, and gloves.
- Students and staff will follow campus-specific guidelines to support distancing to the fullest extent possible.
- Reminder posters and other signage outlining proper protocols will be prominently displayed for all students and staff to follow.
- Campus visitors are limited to those essential to school operations (i.e. no food or flower deliveries). Parent meetings will be held virtually when possible. All visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms or close contact before being allowed on campus.
For additional staff resources, follow this link.