403(b) and 457 Plans

  • TCG Administrators manage the District’s 403(b) and 457 plans. An employee may increase, decrease or terminate plans anytime during the year. Updates can be submitted through the online portal, www.tcgservices.com. Completed forms must be returned by the 10th of the month in order to begin the deduction within that month.


  • Who is TCG?
    TCG is an investment advisor and retirement plan administrator based in Austin, Texas. Belton ISD has chosen TCG as the primary group retirement plan partner for our organization. TCG will help manage any questions pertaining to your 457(b) retirement account and can help process limited transactions for your 403(b) account.

    Belton ISD's TCG Account Manager is Julie Lane. Jane can help address your unique retirement goals.

    Schedule a TeleWealth™ Meeting with Julie at: www.tcgservices.com/jlane

    You may contact Julie at jlane@tcgservices.com

    Enroll Now: https://www.region10rams.org/enroll/#/search-enroll (Employer Name: Belton ISD) or call 800.943.9179

    Video on How to Enroll - English: https://player.vimeo.com/video/319593894

    How do I register for a new plan?
    Check each plan page for specific instructions on how to register.

    How do I request a distribution or a loan?
    Visit www.tcgservices.com/documents for a list of all available plan forms and conditions. Please fill in the required information and send by fax to 888-989-9247 or by email to info@tcgservices.com.

    What are the eligibility requirements?
    All active employees with Belton ISD are eligible to participate, contact Julie Lane if you need assistance at jlane@tcgservices.com

    Who can I contact?
    For questions or investment help, please email Julie Lane at jlane@tcgservices.com or schedule a virtual meeting at www.tcgservices.com/jlane

    457(b) Retirement Savings Plan
    TCG Administrators

    403(b) Retirement Savings Plan
    TCG Administrators

    Teacher Retirement System

    Social Security
    Social Security