Proof of Residency

  • New Students

    Proof of residency documentation is required of all new students for enrollment. 

    Returning Students

    Families of returning students entering grades kindergarten, three, six, and nine (3rd, 6th, and 9th) for the 2024-25 school year will be required to provide proof of residency to verify their home address during the Returning Student Registration. 

    Acceptable Proof of Residency Documentation

    • A copy of a current utility bill (electricity, gas, water) dated within the last 30 days showing name, current address, and date
    • A current lease (for 30 days until a utility bill is available)
    • If you have recently purchased your home, a copy of the closing papers will suffice until a utility bill is available
    • A notarized copy of the BISD Residency Verification affidavit, along with a valid Proof of Residency in the homeowner/renter name
    • If you live in Belton ISD attendance boundaries, but cannot provide one of the above forms of documentation, please contact the campus registrar for individual assistance

    Upload Your Documentation - It's Easy

    • Snap a photo; scan your document; or download your document
    • Upload your photo or file during Online Enrollment or Returning Student Registration

    Snap a Photo