The details on this page are subject to change as we receive guidance from the Texas Education Agency, Governor’s Office, and State and local officials. Please check back often for the most up-to-date information. This website will continue to be updated as new information is released and made available to us.
Prevention & Mitigation Strategies at School
Belton ISD is prepared to meet the needs of students through face-to-face instruction on campuses for the 2022-2023 school year. While the following outlines a high-level, general plan, campus leaders are empowered to customize their response based on the specifics of their student population size and facility constraints. Belton ISD recognizes it is important for the Big Red Community to work together — each member doing his or her part — to make an in-person school year safe and possible.
Self-Screen for Symptoms
Parents/guardians are expected to screen their student for COVID-19 symptoms each day before arriving at school using the BISD Health Screening Tool and keep their child at home if they are ill or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
As a district, we encourage families to make informed decisions in consultation with their healthcare provider. We expect students and staff to respect the individual choices on this decision.
Hand Washing & Sanitizing
Students and staff are expected to wash hands according to CDC guidelines and with greater frequency. Staff will provide age-appropriate training on proper handwashing technique and will ensure more opportunities to do so. The district will also provide portable hand washing stations at all campuses to facilitate handwashing opportunities. Handwashing is expected after recess, before eating and following restroom use.
Students and staff are expected to use hand sanitizer upon entry to the classroom and periodically during the day. To facilitate this, hand sanitizer will be available at main entrances and exits, in each classroom, at cafeteria entrances and in common spaces.
Staff will be trained on appropriate use of classroom sanitizing and disinfecting products. These products will be available in classrooms and common learning spaces so that staff can frequently clean surfaces and shared objects.
Hygiene Education
Campus staff will provide age-appropriate training at the beginning of the school year and on an ongoing basis to students on the:
- Importance of staying home when sick
- Proper way to wash hands
- Proper way to use hand sanitizer
- Procedures for sanitizing student devices, mobile phones and shared items
- Proper ways to contain sneezes and coughs
- Importance of staying home when sick
Custodial Services
Additional cleaning efforts include:
- Each classroom and common area will be disinfected daily or as needed.
- Restrooms, clinics and athletic areas will be disinfected two or more times per day.
- Areas impacted by illness will be immediately disinfected before students and staff are allowed to return.
- The cafeteria and all areas used for dining will be disinfected between each use and at the end of the last dining period.
- Disinfecting misters and foggers will be used by trained staff at appropriate times and locations.
- Additional cleaning measures and procedures will be implemented on buses and in cafeterias.
Campus Clinics
Each campus is staffed by a registered nurse with designated clinic space to provide care for both well and sick students. These measures are also in place:
- Designated isolation areas to care for sick students.
- The use of portable screens to provide additional privacy.
- The use of portable carts for daily scheduled medication distribution.
- Alternative spaces identified to be used to maintain distancing between students in clinic care.
- Designated isolation areas to care for sick students.
Campus Health & Safety Measures
Each campus will provide additional health and safety measures customized to their student population and facility that allow for distancing and outdoor learning. Individualized, campus-specific measures may include:
- Utilizing outside space for instruction when appropriate and possible.
- Continue use of MERV 13 filter and other HVAC enhancements.
- Encouraging students to bring refillable water bottles to use throughout the day.
- Reducing the use of shared supplies and sanitizing them between use if unavoidable.
- Utilizing outside space for instruction when appropriate and possible.
Daily attendance supports meeting student learning goals. Students must be at school to be counted present. When a student is absent, documentation such as a note from a parent or doctor is required to determine if the absence is excused.
If a student has been excluded from attending school in person for testing positive for COVID-19, standard practice for obtaining missed assignments and completing make-up work will apply. Students are encouraged to utilize their district-issued device to complete assignments made available through their Learning Management System (Seesaw, Google Classroom, Schoology or Canvas).
Extracurricular Activities (Athletics/Student Travel)
The District will follow guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the University Interscholastic League (UIL) to determine any limitations to extracurricular activities. At this time, full participation in all UIL activities continues with enhanced cleaning and sanitation practices in place.
School Visitors
Schools may utilize virtual meetings when appropriate. All visitors are asked to self-screen and not enter the facility if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or if recently determined to be in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
Mental Health Resources
The academic success of students is strongly linked to their overall well-being. Please view resources here or contact your counselor to learn more.
COVID-19 Protocols
Belton ISD’s COVID-19 protocols follow guidance from TEA, the Bell County Public Health District and the CDC. All practices are implemented with the intention of creating the safest learning possible for students and staff and the expectation that families will support and adhere to these guidelines.