COVID-19 Protocols
Belton ISD’s COVID-19 protocols follow guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Bell County Public Health District. All practices are implemented with the intention of creating the safest learning environment possible for students and staff. It is an expectation that families will support and adhere to these guidelines
Positive COVID-19 Test
Students and staff members should NOT report to school or work if they have tested
positive for COVID-19. If you test positive, please follow these instructions:For students: Please contact the campus nurse if your student receives a positive COVID-19 test. Students should not attend school if they are sick. Please see “Criteria for Returning to School” below.
For staff: Please contact Human Resources if you receive a positive COVID-19 test. Staff should not report to work if they are sick.
Contact Tracing
When a positive case is reported at a Belton ISD school or facility, a team of trained staff members will conduct contact tracing investigations to identify any close contacts. This team will provide appropriate notifications to individuals impacted.
We will continue to notify close contacts but will not send campus or classroom notifications.
The district will notify Bell County Health District of any reported case.
Belton ISD will maintain a COVID-19 active case dashboard that will indicate the number of active COVID-19 cases reported at district buildings. Updates to the dashboard will occur daily, Tuesday through Saturday.
When a Student Presents Symptoms at School
Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 at school will be evaluated by the nurse and will be excluded in accordance with Belton ISD communicable disease exclusion criteria.
Rapid Testing
When supplies are available, Belton ISD will offer rapid testing for students. Please contact your school nurse for more details.
Criteria for Returning to School
Belton ISD will follow the Texas Department of State Health Services Readmission Criteria for any student having or suspected of having COVID-19. The criteria to return to school is as follows:
- Students who are symptomatic may return to school when symptoms improve and they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
- Students who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home until at least 5 days after the day they were tested or 5 days from when symptoms started.
Per TEA Public Health Guidance, students identified as being close contacts with a positive COVID-19 case in the district are not required to quarantine at home.
Belton ISD does not require staff or students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Federal, state and local officials recommend a COVID-19 vaccine to decrease chances of getting COVID-19 and spreading it to others. Belton ISD continues to partner with local organizations to provide COVID-19 vaccine opportunities for our students and staff as well as the community.
The details on this page are subject to change as we receive guidance from the Texas Education Agency, Governor’s Office, and State and local officials. Please check back often for the most up-to-date information. This website will continue to be updated as new information is released and made available to us.