ESSER III Use of Funds Plan

  • On April 28, 2021, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) notified school districts of the opportunity to apply for a grant from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund. These funds were provided to states through the federal American Rescue Plan signed into law in March 2020.

    Belton ISD’s total allocation of ESSER III funds is $11,117,008. 

    TEA published guidance regarding how these funds can be used and provided local compliance requirements school districts must follow. One requirement was the development of a Use of Funds Plan based on input from internal and external stakeholders. From May 2021 through July 2021, Belton ISD engaged in meaningful consultation with campus and district staff, students, parents, community members and the Board of Trustees. 

  • Belton ISD’s ESSER plan, as approved by the Board of Trustees at its July 2021 meeting, will address students’ needs and accelerate progress on the district’s Strategic Plan through instructional programs, facilities, and additional mental health and communication support for students, staff and families.

    The ESSER plan approved in July 2021 has remained unchanged as of March 2022. Results of a March 2022 survey to receive community feedback were presented to the Board of Trustees at the March 28 board meeting. Results of the survey continue to support the plan. 

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan

  • Information included on Belton ISD’s COVID-19 Response Plan website outlines the district’s COVID-19 system response guide and related prevention and mitigation measures, along with COVID-19 protocols. 

    The website is updated regularly and includes the district’s COVID-19 Active Case Dashboard. The dashboard is created to provide parents a transparent report on current conditions at the school their student attends.