Student Transfers
Student Transfers
2025-2026 Intradistrict and Interdistrict transfer application window will be opening on February 10th at 9am and be open till March 7th
Decision letters will be sent via email to families April 11th at 4pm.
2025-2026 INTERdistrict Transfer Guidelines
2025-2026 INTRAdistrict Transfer Guidelines
2025-2026 Transfer Application
Things to Know Before Applying
- Transfer applications must be submitted each year.
- It is the expectation that students attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside.
- Belton ISD does not provide transportation for transfer students. Transportation will be the responsibility of the parents.
- Campuses that will be closed to new transfer requests because of enrollment caps for the 2025-2026 school year are:
- Chisholm Trail Elementary
- Lake Belton Middle School
- North Belton Middle School
- Lake Belton High School
- In evaluating a transfer request, the following criteria will be considered:
- Program needs of the student and program availability of the campus;
- Available space of the school to which the student requests a transfer;
- Extraordinary family considerations;
- UIL rules
- Student’s attendance and/or discipline history
- The following criteria will not be considered:
- Legacy requests (i.e. historical familial relationships to Belton High School)
- Grandfather requests (maintaining current campus enrollment for a duplicated program)
- Requests for specific staff, campus, or duplicated programs
- District employees may apply for transfers for their child but must meet the criteria outlined on this site.
- Late applications will only be considered if unforeseen, extenuating family circumstances exist or there are verified changes in residence or military orders after the deadline.
Applying to Belton New Tech @Waskow
Attending Belton New Tech @Waskow requires an additional application process. Details can be found here.
Additional Questions
Additional questions about the transfer process may be directed to Student Services at (254) 215-2078 or